A gas meter has ruined the life of an entire municipality for 4 months

Generalized tinnitus. Since the end of October, the inhabitants of several streets in the small town of Wizernes, in Pas-de-Calais, have been under attack from a shrill whistle of undetermined origin. After an ordeal of nearly four months and numerous investigations, the culprit was finally identified at the end of last week.

The first time the mysterious noise was heard was in October 2021, in a district located to the east of this town of 3,300 inhabitants. According to many accounts, it was a kind of whistle, like a siren, which sounded intermittently both day and night. The nuisance followed no rules and could last from a few seconds to almost half an hour. The intensity of the noise was strong enough that it could be heard from a few neighboring towns.

Chance saved the inhabitants of Wizernes

The residents of the sector concerned, horrified, seized the town hall so that investigations are launched in order to find the origin of the noise. Revealed by our colleagues from The voice of the North, the case even interested the national media. But the weeks passed without any convincing lead being found. The deputy mayor in charge of Security did things well, however, ruling out many leads one by one: 5G antenna, local businesses, buried networks… The elected official even resolved to call on an acoustician. In vain.

It was finally a little by chance that the origin of the noise could be determined. When the Security Assistant learned that a faulty gas meter had started to whistle in another town, he asked GRDF to come and inspect the area of ​​his town concerned. It was good for him since the technicians actually discovered a similar problem on a local resident’s gas meter. The device was repaired and the hissing noise was never heard again.

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