A forum inviting not to systematically resuscitate unvaccinated patients is controversial

If you were hoping that 2022 would contain less controversy than the previous year, these first two days of January are enough to dry up your hopes. In addition to the European flag on the Arc de Triomphe, it is the editorial column of Professor André Grimaldi, working at the CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière, in
the JDD this Sunday which caused some stir.

In this text, the professor believes that it should be possible to systematically advise unvaccinated adults to write advance directives to say whether or not they wish to be resuscitated, in order to avoid sorting out intensive care units and saturating hospitals. with the coronavirus. “Shouldn’t a person claiming the free choice not to be vaccinated consistently assume their free choice not to be resuscitated?” “Asks the practitioner.

Hippocratic Oath and controversies

Words that caused a stir, many caregivers being indignant on Twitter about the unethical aspect of the thing, recalling the Hippocratic oath (which consists of treating everyone without distinction or judgment), or drawing parallels on other questions that this “logic” would ask, on the treatment of lung cancer for smokers in particular.

Come on, courage, only 363 days in the year!

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