A final dialogue in Paris this Thursday between France and the United Kingdom before possible sanctions

In the midst of the fishing crisis, this is the last chance dialogue. British Secretary of State for Brexit David Frost will meet with French Secretary of State for European Affairs Clément Beaune this Thursday in Paris.

The place of the meeting was not communicated, the entourage of Clément Beaune specifying that it would take place outside the media. Government spokesman Gabriel Attal, however, confirmed that the fishing dispute would be on the agenda, without further details.

Licensing disagreements

Paris and London are in conflict over fishing licenses granted to Europeans after Brexit. France threatened to ban as early as Monday at midnight to British fishing vessels from unloading their cargoes in French ports and to strengthen customs controls on all trucks if London did not grant more licenses to French fishermen. She had finally temporarily lifted the ultimatum while waiting for the Parisian meeting.

Under the Brexit deal, European fishermen can continue to work in certain UK waters provided they can prove that they previously fished there. But the French and the British argue over the nature and extent of the supporting documents to be provided. About a quarter of French catches in volume (around 20% in value) come from British waters, which are very rich in fish and which are the source of 650 million euros in annual sales for European fishermen.

A first step in Brussels

Discussions on the subject took place on Wednesday in Brussels between the United Kingdom and the European Commission, during which the sensitive point of replacement vessels was discussed for the first time, namely the new French fishing vessels having taken the place of older, according to a European source. The British, who refused to take them into account, appear to have softened their stance, but they want guarantees that their catches will not be greater than those of the boats they have replaced.

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