A father and his daughter invent an attack to get reimbursed for an iPhone

Four or five men, armed with sticks or truncheons, had jumped on them as they were returning to their car after doing some shopping in the Reynerie district. Hit in the neck, and fallen to the ground, they had been unable to protect either their expensive iPhone 14 Pro Max, or a state-of-the-art Apple Watch, which had flown away at the same time as the attackers. This is the ultra-violent scene described by a father and his daughter to the police when they came to file a complaint at a Toulouse police station on January 29.

But it never happened. This is at least the conviction that the investigators of the property damage repression brigade have since forged. First, because the phone records didn’t fit the story. Then because the victims, decidedly unlucky, already had twenty complaints of the same type to their credit.

The girl confesses

Heard on Friday in free hearing, the 52-year-old father maintained his version. But her 20-year-old daughter didn’t have the same stamina. She confessed to the police about the insurance scam and acknowledged that this was not the first time her father had used the scheme. The two suspects are now awaiting a decision from the prosecution to find out what criminal response will be given to their false misadventure.

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