A farm of laying hens condemned for ill-treatment

Hens piled up in cages in the middle of filthy buildings, dead poultry in the middle of the live ones… A breeding of laying hens, installed in Chambly, in the Oise, was sentenced by the judicial court to a fine of 20,000 euros for ill-treatment and a 3-year ban on keeping animals, announced the L214 association, which initiated the trial. In October 2020, the animal protection association broadcast images taken inside this farm of 200,000 hens.

“Intensive farming must be banned”

These images showed a rather deplorable situation of sanitary conditions. The following month, the sale of eggs was suspended before the farm closed its doors in August 2021. “The new checks triggered by the L214 investigation had made it possible to detect the presence of salmonella, bacteria likely to cause food poisoning”, specifies L214, in a press release.

“This condemnation sends a strong signal to the entire sector, underlines Brigitte Gothière, co-founder of L214. We must urgently ban intensive farming, which is considered by scientists to be veritable health bombs”. The association regrets, moreover, “the inability of the veterinary services to fulfill their mission of control”.

The company and the managers have ten days to appeal this decision.

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