a delivery man suspected of having diverted 80,000 liters of diesel near Lyon

A 36-year-old driver was arrested Tuesday morning near Lyon. He is suspected of having diverted several thousand liters of diesel during journeys leading him from the Feyzin refinery to the service stations he was to deliver. One of his customers noticed the deception the day before, when he noticed that his order was missing 2,000 liters. He immediately contacted the police to tell them of his doubts.

The manager continued his investigations, understanding that he had stolen 80,000 liters of fuel between January 1 and May 3, 2022. Put on the track, the investigators discovered that the suspect, unfavorably known to the police, was storing diesel in the yard of a 33-year-old man living in Saint-Priest. He too had already dealt with the police, indicates the Sûreté du Rhône.

On the day of the search, 750 liters of diesel were seized on the spot. Both individuals were taken into custody. The driver was to be presented to the prosecution on Thursday.

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