a curfew imposed on minors in a Moselle village

It is not only in Strasbourg that minors will have to stay at home on New Year’s Eve. The mayor of Pange, a Moselle commune, also issued a decree to impose a

Since this Sunday, December 26 and until January 2 inclusive, “any minor under the age of 18 cannot, without being accompanied by one of his parents or his legal representative, circulate from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. limited territory ”, it is written in the decree signed by Roland Chloup.

This decision comes after several restless nights in the village located about ten kilometers from Metz. Since December 23, Christmas decorations have been overturned or destroyed, letterboxes vandalized, such as “more than 30 meters of barriers around the children’s playground” according to the city council.

“I am not targeting minors by taking this order”, explains Roland Chloup to 20 minutes. “There are dangerous objects on the ground, it can quickly be dangerous. “He has already lodged a complaint three times and estimates the damage at 7,000 euros.

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