A couple found dead by bullets, the privileged track of feminicide

A couple in their fifties was found dead near their home in the town of Diancey in Côte-d’Or, the Dijon prosecutor’s office said on Friday. The track of a feminicide then of a suicide is already mentioned. The two bodies were discovered Thursday evening by the emergency services after a report from a family member.

The 59-year-old woman, with a gunshot wound, was driving her car near the home. The body of her 58-year-old husband lay next to the vehicle, a gun by his side, the Dijon prosecutor’s office said, confirming information from the local newspaper. The Public Good. “There was a homicide followed by a suicide”, estimates the public ministry which opened two investigations, one for “intentional homicide” and one for “search for the causes of death”.

hunting weapons

Married, the couple had adult children. The drama took place in front of the home “in the street” and the husband, who had hunting weapons, was not known to justice, concluded this same source. It would be the 98th feminicide of the year, according to the count updated Friday on Twitter by the collective “Femicides by companions or ex”.

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