A couple and a doctor sentenced for trafficking in psychotropic drugs

More than a thousand boxes of drugs passed, a profit of nearly 500,000 euros: large-scale psychotropic drug trafficking took place for two and a half years in Seine-Saint-Denis. At the origin of this traffic, a man and a woman, living as a couple, who have just been sentenced respectively to four and two years in prison, as well as a doctor, author of orders of convenience, sentenced to a suspended sentence Tuesday in Bobigny for this traffic in psychotropic drugs intended for dependent people and fragile individuals.

For two and a half years, until their arrest in 2023, the couple sold, in Seine-Saint-Denis and in the north of Paris, the tablets obtained legally in pharmacies, after repeated consultations with a general practitioner from Stains .

An estimated profit of 500,000 euros

The man was sentenced to four years in prison and one year of probation because, according to the judge of the correctional court of Bobigny, “the extreme gravity of the facts”, the duration during which the offenses were committed and also because of “the amount of drugs involved”.

A wafer of Subutex sold for 10 euros, 50 for Lyrica and five euros for a tablet of Valium. According to investigators, more than a thousand boxes of drugs were resold for an estimated profit of 500,000 euros.

His companion, very moved on reading the deliberations, was sentenced to two years in prison and two years suspended probation. Half of the required sentence, which “satisfies” his lawyer, Me Nicolas Paganelli. The two convicts have an obligation to seek treatment and find work after their detention.

A couple with heavy addictions to alcohol and cocaine

Trafficking could, according to the woman who was sentenced, “bring in 300-400 euros every three days”. The couple had testified to their heavy addictions to alcohol and cocaine during the trial which was held at the end of May.

Two other defendants, drug dealers, were sentenced to one-year terms, which could be converted into semi-freedom. A sixth defendant, who was carrying medication on the day of his arrest, was sentenced to 140 hours of general labor.

The doctor found complicit in drug trafficking

Appearing free, the doctor who fed the network, by multiplying the prescriptions, was recognized as an accomplice in the offenses of drug trafficking and illegal exercise of the profession of pharmacist. He was sentenced to two years in prison, suspended and banned from all medical activity for three years, a decision in accordance with the requisitions.

“We are talking about products of particular toxicity,” said the judge on Tuesday, who recalled the “complex territorial context” in which the network operated. “The sale of drugs is taking precedence over drug trafficking”, had alerted the prosecutor in the preamble to her indictment.

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