a controller stabbed during an altercation in a TER in Hérault

Two forties were arrested on Monday August 22 for violence with weapons committed on an off-duty controller. Occurred in a TER connecting Nîmes to Narbonne while a controller, on duty, asked them to please lower the sound level of their music, according to Free lunch.

A request that the two forties did not appreciate. In fact, they rebelled. Verbally at first, then physically. It was then that the respondent pulled out a knife and threatened the officer. Seeing that the situation was going to degenerate, an off-duty controller then intervened, applying the code of ethics for railway workers, to calm the situation.

Stabbed in the shoulder

That’s when he was stabbed in the shoulder. Apprehended at Montpellier Saint-Roch station by police officers from the central police station, the passenger, who also had a wound to her hand and blood on her forearm, was taken into custody. Just like the man she was traveling with, on whom a knife was also found.

Slightly injured in the shoulder, the controller was taken care of by the firefighters and the SMUR 34 and was taken to the emergency room of the Lapeyronie hospital center. After this “unspeakable” aggression, the controllers of the region decided to use their right of withdrawal.

“Negotiations are currently underway”

“We are in solidarity with our colleagues and challenge the company’s policy in terms of human presence in stations and around trains”, indicates the regional secretary of the CGT Eric Bringuier. “If the traffic is not paralyzed, it is disturbed concerning the TER, Intercités and TGV”, continued the trade unionist. “Negotiations are currently underway. We demand concrete measures from our management so that agents can carry out their missions in complete safety and guarantee a quality public service to users. »

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