A connected probe to help with perineal rehabilitation

Let’s talk bodybuilding. Not for the abs-glutes or the thighs, but for the perineum. If the subject is not always the first approached at the corner of the table during an evening, it is on the other hand one of the concerns, even a nightmare, for many people. This is why a Strasbourg start-up, Fizimedspecialized in connected medical devices, has imagined a connected perineal probe, to be used at home, in complete privacy.

According to epidemiological data and the scientific literature, “about 35% of women in France are affected by urinary leakage, incontinence, prolapse and problems related to recovery after childbirth, details the CEO of Fizimed Emeline Hahn. One in ten women is affected by urinary leakage, mainly due to common disorders of the perineum. A discouraging observation, but there are a few reasons to hope to be able to laugh out loud again, make long or explosive physical efforts, or quite simply sneeze. This, through “the regular bodybuilding of this invisible muscle, assures Émeline Hahn, but essential and of which we finally talk little. You don’t necessarily think about it, but you have to tone it up, re-educate it. »

To be used “at any time during its life”

Doing exercises with your midwife or physiotherapist is sometimes restrictive. “Problems getting around, lack of time, or you don’t remember afterwards which exercises you should do at home… That’s why we developed a product that allows you to do it quietly at home, exercises based on a therapeutic protocol”, explains Emeline Hahn. A device generally used by three types of people: “Women who have just given birth, women who are in their forties and who have not done rehabilitation or have done it but a very long time ago and want to hand over and women at the time of menopause. You can use it at any time during your life, if you have stress urinary incontinence. »

Fizimed’s objective, “to enable every woman to take charge of her health, in a simple way and in complete privacy and in a playful way”, assures Emeline Hahn. This perineal probe, baptized Emy, made in France and Portugal and sold all over the world, is their first innovation. The start-up, which employs 15 people, is already well established and the Emy probe has already received several awards, including recently that of Digital InPulse 2022 in Strasbourg, organized by Huawei and the Richelieu committee. This prize allows him to “open up to the important Huawei network and thus meet more people. The ecosystem is very important in the entrepreneurial part, to be able to forge links, understand things and move forward,” assures the CEO.

In practice, the principle is simple. A probe, ergonomic and relatively small, somewhat in the shape of a sex toy and an application on your mobile phone where you can follow your progress over the long term. “To tone your perineum, we perform exercises, which press on sensors and we send a signal to the phone where this is translated into games, such as making a little man jump, darts… Through a playful approach, we will train your perineum,” explains Emeline Hahn.

Playful, but very serious: “It is the only product of this type for which a clinical study has been carried out proving the effectiveness of the device, with a scientific publication in support that doctors have produced. We work a lot with doctors, midwives, physiotherapists who really monitor what is offered in the application, explains Emeline Hahn. A device marked CE medical, which respects a whole battery of tests, which validates that it is indeed for medical use, just like the mobile application, with the confidentiality of medical data”, underlines the start-up which sees life in pink. And good news, other medical products, dedicated “to women’s health” and kept secret by Fizimed for the moment, are already being studied in Strasbourg.

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