A computer incident causes a breach of confidentiality, 7,000 files concerned

It’s the big dumpling that spoils the good news a bit. All the CAFs in France have set up on Saturday “a new identification service allowing in particular to connect with his social security number to the services of the CAF, instead of the traditional number of beneficiary”, indicates the National Allowances Fund. family (Cnaf) in a press release.

Except that “a computer incident on the caf.fr site on Sunday October 10 from 9 p.m. led to certain beneficiary files being able to be consulted by other beneficiaries”, she continues, specifying that 7,000 files were thus concerned for a few hours by this breach of confidentiality. Beneficiaries were thus able to come across accounts that did not belong to them and consult the telephone numbers or addresses of other beneficiaries.

“Not due to a computer attack”

“For security reasons, access to the caf.fr site was closed on Monday around 8 am. In order to prevent any possible malicious act, all the procedures carried out during these few hours on these accounts have been canceled ”, specifies the Cnaf, which adds that the Cnil will be informed, as well as each beneficiary concerned individually.

It indicates that the cause of the incident has been “identified” and that its repair is in progress “in order to allow the reopening of the service as soon as possible and with all the guarantees of data protection”. The director general of the Cnaf, Vincent Mazauric, specifies that this “violation of data integrity” was “not due to a computer attack” and that it did not indicate a “vulnerability of the computer system”. Fortunately, since the Caf.fr site, which concerns 13.5 million beneficiaries, or 32.7 million people covered, records nearly one billion connections per year.

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