a completely burned dog, the Montpellier SPA files a complaint

The SPA of Montpellier (Hérault) lodged a complaint, after the discovery of a dog, bearing numerous burn marks all over her body and suffering from a fracture of the face. It was a passerby who found the animal on January 27, “in a state of great suffering”, deplores the association. “We are used to it, unfortunately, but, frankly, we were very shocked”, confides this Tuesday morning to 20 minutes Annie Bénézech, the director of the Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone refuge.

The dog was taken care of by the team of the Hérault refuge, a few days ago. According to the association, the injuries from which she suffers are compatible “with projections of embers or a flammable product which would have been thrown at her”.

“We wanted to kill her”

“The dog had a fractured face, we wanted to kill her and set her on fire,” continues the director of the Montpellier SPA. She still had incandescent flames on her body when the vet picked her up. “Monday evening, “she ate”, when she could no longer do it. Good news, even if it is not yet out of the woods.

An investigation is underway to try to find the perpetrator(s). The Montpellier SPA is also calling on to donations, to continue his work.

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