A complaint filed against X after the distribution of a list of “Islamo-leftists”

A complaint against X was filed with the Paris prosecutor’s office after the revelation of the dissemination on the Internet of files listing political figures and activists presented as “Islamogauchists” by the extreme right site “Fdesouche”, announced Tuesday the lawyer Arié Alimi. “We filed a complaint with 90 people, and many more are arriving,” said Me Arié Alimi during a press conference organized in the premises of the Human Rights League, in the presence of journalist Taha. Bouhafs who revealed the existence of these lists on Friday.

According to the lawyer, this site “does not content itself with disseminating hateful ideas (…) but helps to prepare actions” by providing files that can be used “by extreme right-wing groups”. Revealed by journalist Taha Bouhafs, these lists contain hundreds of names of political figures and activists presented as “Islamogauchists” by the far-right site.

A complaint also from rebellious deputies

A first file, dating from November 2019, baptized “Islamo-leftists signatories of the call for the demonstration against Islamophobia of 11/10/2019” lists the signatories of this call published on Mediapart. A second file, dating from 2017, lists the groups and associations helping migrants, with their email addresses and certain telephone numbers. The lawyer also asks the Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmanin to close the Fdesouche site. “The government does not take into account the gravity of the situation and the case,” said Taha Bouhafs, who is among the names listed by “Fdesouche”.

Eric Coquerel, deputy of France Insoumise (LFI), announced to have also filed a collective complaint with the people of the LFI parliamentary group targeted by the lists. If the Human Rights League was surprised at the “silence” of the authorities, the rebellious deputy accused the government of having “lit the fuse”, citing “the witch hunt of Islamogauchists in the universities” by Frédérique Vidal or the Ministry of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin who “calls them Islamo-leftists”.

The Minister of Higher Education Frédérique Vidal created controversy in February by asking the CNRS for an investigation into “Islamogauchism” at the university. It had the support of the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin. For its part, the Cnil, which received a report, assesses the “legality” of a file published on the Internet by the far-right site “Fdesouche”, listing political figures and activists presented as “Islamogauchists”.

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