A commission of historians on the colonization of Algeria, a complicated return for Pap Ndiaye and a successful tourist season in France

Did you miss the news this early morning? We’ve put together a recap to help you see things more clearly.

Emmanuel Macron announces the creation of a commission of French and Algerian historians on colonization

French President Emmanuel Macron announced Thursday in Algiers the establishment of a joint commission of Algerian and French historians to study the archives on the colonization and the war in Algeria. “We have a common past” which “is complex, painful” and “we have decided together” to create “a mixed commission of historians” to “look at this entire historical period”, “from the beginning of colonization to the war of liberation, without taboos, with a desire (…) for full access to our archives”, declared Emmanuel Macron during a joint declaration with his counterpart Abdelmadjid Tebboune on the first day of his visit to Algeria.

Back to school 2022: “We have to deal with the tense situation”, says Pap Ndiaye

The start of the new school year promises to be “in suitable” but “not optimal” conditions, said Minister of National Education Pap Ndiaye on Thursday evening, specifying that the salary increase promised for teachers would take place in September 2023. announcement under conditions quite similar to last year when conditions have deteriorated, “said the minister on France 2, referring to the shortage of teachers which led to the hiring of” 3,000 contract workers “.

A “very good season” summer season 2022 for France

The summer was a “very good season”, confirms to AFP Solange Escure, national director of Gîtes de France. Occupancy rates continued to climb to reach 86% in August (+6 points compared to 2019). “Between July 23 and August 20, the rates were even 100%,” she adds. “We are on track for 2022 to be better than 2019” which was already a record year, rejoices Nicolas Dayot, president of the national federation of outdoor hotels (FNHPA). The FNHPA expects to reach 130 million overnight stays for the whole of 2022, one million more than in 2019. “It’s a great summer, a record summer”, adds the CEO of SNCF Travelers, Christophe Fanichet. The company will have transported 23 million passengers in July and August on the TGV and Intercités in France. With the international (Thalys, Eurostar, links to Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Spain), the world figure to 28 million. “It’s overall 10% more travelers compared to the summer of 2019”, according to him.

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