A civil servant suspected of having killed her boss in the premises of the Ministry of the Interior

She was arrested and placed in police custody. A civil servant is suspected of having killed her superior on Tuesday in the premises of the Ministry of the Interior in Montélimar (Drôme), following a “professional dispute”, we learned from reliable sources.

“A homicide took place in the morning within an administration,” the Drôme prefecture told AFP, confirming a information from the regional daily The Dauphiné Libéré. The victim is a man in his fifties, according to this source. He was allegedly killed with a bladed weapon, probably a box cutter.

A “professional dispute” at the origin

“The alleged perpetrator is a civil servant who attacked her superior in the context of a professional dispute,” added the prefecture without wanting to give further details. She would be 58 years old, according to The Dauphiné Libéré.

The tragedy took place in the premises of the General Secretariat for the Administration of the Ministry of the Interior (Sgami), a structure which brings together support functions (garage, IT, logistics) for the national police in particular, said a close source. folder.

Contacted, the Valencia public prosecutor’s office was not immediately available for comment.

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