A Christmas truce before the social storm in January?

A little respite for the government. The prospect of a large -scale social movement is excluded for the end of the year. But in multiple sectors, the unions are preparing to reply firmly to the pension reform that the executive plans to present on January 10. “There are already notices which are filed for the month of January in the professions where it is compulsory”, warned on France Info the secretary general of the CGT, Philippe Martinez. We take stock of some emblematic sectors.

Transport: “tighten the movement” in 2023

The Minister Delegate for Transport, Clément Beaune, wanted to be “reassuring” on Thursday, saying that “most of the service will be provided” for trains and planes at Christmas. On the air transport side, Air France said last week that it was not considering “cancellations at this stage”, despite a strike notice from the Unac and Sngaf cabin crew unions for the period from December 22 to January 2. Social conflicts have also been defused at Air Antilles, Air Guyana, Corsair and Easyjet.

At the SNCF, the first weekend of the holidays was slightly disturbed. For Christmas and New Year weekends, the CGT-Cheminots and Sud-Rail do not call the controllers’ strike, even if the two unions let their notice run in order to leave everyone the opportunity to join or No to the movement born outside of any union framework.

The social movement is expected to expand at the start of the school year, all RATP unions who called on Wednesday to “continue and tighten the strike movement in January 2023”, around the salary question but also pensions.

Energy: “worried pension reform”

In the sector, the end of the year seems to relax on the social front, but the unions could once again ring the mobilization in early January, against the pension reform project which plans to tackle the special electricians and gas regimes .

“To be ready to mobilize if necessary, I filed a strike notice from December 19 to January 31, aimed at putting pressure on the government. It would be completely irresponsible on their part to create the conditions for mobilization in a context of energy, economic and geopolitical crisis, “Amélie Henri, national secretary CFE-Unsa Energies for EDF, second union of the sector of the sector of the sector Electric and gas industries.

For Fabrice Coudour, federal secretary of the FNME-CGT, “the pension reform worries a lot, and it is a big subject of conversation. Very clearly, if there is the pension reform project, the CGT in energy will be opposite ”.

Civil service: “massive mobilizations”

For civil servants, multiple reasons for dissatisfaction “should allow massive mobilizations”, wants to believe Céline Verzeletti, secretary general of the CGT of state officials: wages to the decline in the retirement age of agents of the “Active category” (police, firefighters, specialized nurses, etc.).

The French Hospital Federation (FHF) fears that the reform will revive the ardor of the battalions of nursing assistants, who currently benefit from retirement at 57 years old.

On the side of National Education, the first teachers’ union, the FSU, calls for a day of mobilizations and demonstrations on January 17, for salaries, pensions and the withdrawal of the reform from the professional path.

Distribution: Mobilization from December 22?

The movements are multiplying: in November and December, debraying enamelled the news of Conforama, Castorama, Cultura, the Galeries Lafayette in Lyon and Paris, reminded AFP Audrey Ricci, deputy secretary of the federal section FEC-FO trade. Go Sport, Pimkie and C&A could also soon be affected.

The unions are working on a possible mobilization on December 22 in Paris, without wanting to reveal the contours. Alongside Aldi on strike employees for wages, Amar Lagha, secretary general of the CGT shops and services federation, had come back on Thursday: with inflation, “there are mothers who no longer eat, workers who jump meals ”.

“There will also be people in the street” at the time of the pension reform, predicts Audrey Ricci. “We cannot accept to have employees out of breath, who gave everything during the pandemic and that we want to work longer, it is intolerable”.

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