A chocolatier, ex-military, sells a blue and yellow egg for the benefit of the Ukrainian people

It does not go unnoticed in Thierry Papereux’s shop, in the Saint-Roch district, in Montpellier (Hérault). This chocolatier has created a chocolate egg in the colors of the Ukrainian flag, blue and yellow. They are on sale at 20 euros each.

All of the profits from the sales of this egg will be donated by the chocolate factory to the Fondation de France, which helps the people of Ukraine.

A former soldier

If he wanted to bring his stone to the building, it is because Thierry Papereux was a soldier for ten years, and he knows the horrors of war. “It was important to me to help the Ukrainian population, because I had a military career, and I knew Sarajevo in the same state as Ukraine today”, confides the Montpellier chocolate maker.

This egg, about fifteen centimeters high, is made from South American chocolate, with 70% cocoa, and colored with natural dyes.

In Castries, the yellow and blue croissants of Maison Husson

This initiative is reminiscent of another. In Castries, ten days earlier, Jean and Cindy from the Husson house offered yellow and blue croissants for sale. “We sold them from 1.50 euros. Everyone could put in the amount they wanted. The entire sale was donated to the French Red Cross. We added a donation from the company,” explains Jean Husson.

The yellow and blue croissants of Maison Husson in Castries – Maison Husson

“The gesture was very much appreciated by customers,” explains Anna, the store manager. “We were surprised by the feedback on social networks in particular. We hadn’t communicated about it beforehand, because I didn’t want it to be perceived as a way of getting publicity. We don’t need that. The Husson house has existed for three generations”, continues Jean Husson. “We wanted to do something at our level for this population victim of the war. I really did not think that people would be so sensitive to our gesture ”…

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