A charred corpse discovered near a city

The city of Marseille is once again bereaved by a sordid news story. A charred body was found on Saturday near Corot Park, a city in impoverished neighborhoods of the Bouches-du-Rhône prefecture known until the recent past for its drug trafficking, we learned from the prosecutor’s office and police source.

The body was found at the end of the afternoon near this very degraded condominium in the 13th arrondissement, in the north of France’s second city, said the police source, confirming information from BFM Marseille Provence.

“No deal point nearby”

No information was available Saturday evening on the identity of the victim, nor on the exact causes of his death, said Marseille prosecutor Nicolas Bessone. “There was no deal point nearby,” he added.

According to the police source, the place where the body was found, by a passerby, is not known to be “an active deal point currently even if there has been one in the past”. An investigation was entrusted to the judicial police.

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