A camp of 360 migrants evacuated in the northeast

A total of 360 migrants were evacuated on Wednesday from a makeshift camp near Porte de Pantin in northeastern Paris, on the edge of Seine-Saint-Denis, the Ile-de-France prefecture said. -France (Prif).

“We saw the first tents arrive on this land two weeks ago”, a square on the edge of the ring road, the PS mayor of the 19th arrondissement told AFP François Dagnaud, for whom the occupants were mainly residents. “unattached Afghan men from the Horn of Africa, mostly asylum seekers”.

The same group that regularly reconstitutes camps

These people will be “welcomed in an accommodation center” to “benefit from an assessment of their administrative situation, social, health and administrative support before being redirected to accommodation adapted to their situation in Ile-de-France. -France ”or elsewhere, assures the prefecture. But for the associations helping migrants, it is the same group which regularly reconstitutes camps between the north-east of Paris and the neighboring municipalities of Seine-Saint-Denis.

Thus, according to a volunteer from the Solidarité Migrants Wilson collective, some of the people evacuated on Wednesday were present among the 500 migrants evacuated on May 11 in Pantin. Installed for several months in a parking lot, they lived there in unsanitary conditions.

“We are always in the same cycle”, estimates Dagnaud for whom the care ends up “year after year” by taking place but without “never succeeding in ensuring that it does not go through the street”. According to the elected socialist, “the government and the European Union have not yet drawn the consequences of these situations of deadlock”.

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