a body found in a charred car in Moselle

Sad evening in Florange (Moselle). The body of a man in his thirties was discovered on the seat of a charred car in Florange (Moselle), the Thionville public prosecutor’s office announced on Sunday. The circumstances of the tragedy remain to be defined and an investigation has been opened to search for the causes of death, he said.

No track is ruled out

According to the first elements of the investigation, the victim “would be the owner of the car, a Florange resident in his thirties”, adds the mayor of Florange, Rémy Dick, who specifies that “the body was on the bench of the car “. The prosecution further specifies that “samples were taken, in search of accelerating products”, promoting the fire. The latter does not rule out “any leads” and provides “an autopsy in the week”.

According to the mayor, the victim “was not known to the police services and would not have any connection with any trafficking”. According to him, “nothing suggests that it would be a settling of scores”.

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