A big crash and promises, back on the year of the Blues on a roller coaster

While some major nations may be worried about their presence in Qatar in a little over a year, the France team is approaching its last qualifying match with a light mind, this Tuesday evening in Finland. The ticket is in my pocket since the dance stuck in Kazakhstan on Saturday at the Park, there is nothing more than to have fun in Helsinki to conclude in style a year 2021, to say the least paradoxical. The Blues crashed during the competition that everyone was waiting for, but managed to pass this fiasco off as old history very quickly to let us attack 2022 with the idea that we were going to roll over the world. Let’s take a look back at these roller coaster months, with DD and Cap’tain Hugo on the turntables.

The thing that swept away all our certainties: the return of Benzema

Didier Deschamps who reminds Karim Benzema, like that without warning just before the Euro? Lol. We have made press reports since 2015, we know what this DD look means every time the subject is approached from near or far. That was until May 10. The rumor, which had started to rustle the night before, took shape throughout a morning that quickly became the most exciting of the year, until the confirmation at midday by our colleagues of the Parisian.

The return of the Madrilenian, deleted from official documents since the sextape affair more than five years ago, is an event that no one dared to imagine. In any case not under Deschamps. “The most important step was that we could see each other and discuss. I took the time to reflect, to analyze what we had said, ”he had summarily justified in the evening in front of an audience who came with the popcorn.

  • What Lloris thinks: “He has a certain aura on the pitch. He brings something more to the team. We all agree that his return was marked by his performances, his statistics. He is a huge player, what he achieves at Real is remarkable. Few players have had the opportunity to do so over so many years. He was rewarded with this trophy during the League of Nations but the World Cup is something else. “

The descent of organs that we had not seen coming: the Euro

The title of world champion in the bag, a trio envied by the whole galaxy in attack, a defensive base in titanium and the felid in DD in back-up, all the pieces were in place for a Euro of fire. Everything had started well with the lesson given to the Germans, and then the black hole, the real one. The Blues, who led 3-1 in the 80th minute in the round of 16, lost control and were taken out on penalties. BY SWITZERLAND. “Ten minutes of distraction”, as the coach says today, for an industrial accident in due form as we had not known for ten years. No problem, the Tour de France has just started and Thibaut Pin… No, nothing.

  • What Lloris thinks: “We accomplished two of our three goals this year. In top-level sport, it’s hard to win, but it’s even more difficult to stay at the top. We realized that during the Euro. While there are some good things, the competition almost came down to ten poorly mastered minutes and that resulted in our elimination. Then, even if there were periods of doubts during the September rally with mixed performances, we were able to find our values. “

The great anything that reconciled us with football: The Final 4 of the League of Nations

At 2-0 for Belgium at half-time in the semi-final, we began to think about the slogans for the # Zidane2022 campaign posters. And then the revolt. Benzema in pivot, Mbappé in the pen, Théo Hernandez in the far post… A real furious madness, maintained in the final by the Madrilenian and the Parisian to overthrow Spain. There wasn’t much that was overpowered, just rage and that offensive talent that was just waiting for the spark to interlock. It’s been a long time.

  • What Deschamps thinks: “The best vitamin is to win. There is pride in what we have faced two great nations, but that does not give us any guarantees. We must not slack off in relation to our objective. In any case, the France team has again proven if it needed it, that beyond the football quality, it had mental strength and a state of mind. We have a group of competitors who always want to go get what is in front of them. The France team is still one of the best European and world nations. “

The stupid question we asked ourselves: Wouldn’t we be better off without kyky?

It was after the game against Finland in early September. The Parisian was injured, Benz and Griezmann had feasted and had us a little patched up with the Blues, after two desperate draws against Bosnia and Ukraine. During this victory (2-0), Anthony Martial had been a perfect complement to the two attacking leaders, playing for them and making the game more fluid. Sufficient for a trial in absentia of Mbappé, whose thirst for balls and statistics would be incompatible with community life.

“I will never go on that ground,” had cut DD. A month later, Bondy’s crackito planted two in the Final Four of the League of Nations, before offering himself a quadruple of another age in November to take the small troop to Qatar. Other questions ?

  • What Lloris thinks: “When you do not meet expectations, there are always doubts but you have to use these moments to progress and question yourself. That’s what great champions do and Kylian has a bright future ahead of him. He is aware of it, he is made to beat records, win a lot of titles and he must not set limits. “

The novelty that makes you want to be in 2022: The scheme with three defenders (but with real pistons)

We do not forget that it is in this system that the Blues were drowned in the first period against Switzerland, but with Rabiot piston left, Pavard on the right and a Lenglet at the bottom of the hole established in the axis. Returning to 4-3-3 at the start of September, DD tried again in the third game against Finland, along with other players. A success, and a pattern perpetuated since. The advent of Théo Hernandez on the left and the Coman option on the right in an offensive version, added to the increasingly natural understanding between the three triggers in front, open up good prospects for next year. Yum.

  • What Deschamps thinks: “It’s a different option. It is a balance of power. If I think the force is more on our side like that, I will have to make the same decision. If Kingsley has an offensive with the same register in front, however, that remains to be seen. This requires compensation and a three-way defense we can end up with four. Having two very offensive options on the sides is possible. But in general it is rather one. What Kingsley did on Saturday changes a lot of things in our offensive animation. This is likely to be repeated in the future. “

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