a bag full of rusty weapons discovered in the Bois de Vincennes

This Friday, March 11, an employee of the town hall of Paris made an unusual discovery in the Bois de Vincennes, reports The Parisian.

A little before 10 a.m., intrigued by the shape he saw in a bush a few meters from the Vincennes racecourse (12th arrondissement), route Bosquet-Mortemart, the agent discovered a backpack containing five weapons handgun, submachine gun and ammunition.

A weapon from World War II

The weapons showed traces of rust, which could suggest that they had been there for a while. Citing a source close to the investigation, the daily adds that the submachine gun is a Thompson, one of the weapons most used by the Allies, mainly the Americans, during the Second World War.

The weapons were entrusted to the central laboratory of the Paris police prefecture (LCPP) where they will be analyzed and it is the 2nd district of the judicial police (DPJ) which was seized by the Paris prosecutor’s office to shed light on this case.

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