A 5 km long firewall built near La Teste-de-Buch

Since July 15, a large firewall has been under construction to create a protective corridor between the ocean and Lac de Cazaux, in an attempt to deprive of fuel the fire which has already destroyed 7,000 hectares near La Teste-de -Buch, in Gironde. Since July 12, this fire of unprecedented magnitude in Gironde and that of Landiras (13,600 hectares burned) have mobilized significant resources. During the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, the progression of the fire was limited and no new evacuations were announced.

Teams from the National Forestry Office (ONF) with the DFCI association (Forest protection against fire) and under the command of firefighters have been working non-stop for five days to build a 5 km long firebreak. “45 machines and 70 people who took turns to create this protective corridor”, explains the ONF in a press release on Wednesday.

Strips devoid of any vegetation

The objective of this colossal project is to create a corridor to prevent the fire from “passing the neighboring department of Landes”, he specifies. The trees are felled, evacuated from the area and bulldozers then clear the deforested area to obtain a 100 to 250 m wide strip of white sand, devoid of any vegetation.

“North of the massif towards the Arcachon basin, several firewalls 50 to 80 m wide mobilize around twenty objective devices: to protect the roads and the dwellings”, specifies the ONF.

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