A 120 million euro transformation project to “open” the Nantes-Nord district

It is a large urban renewal project, at 118.7 million euros. Tuesday, a public meeting is organized in the presence of the mayor (PS) Johanna Rolland in Nantes-Nord (6.30 p.m. at the festive room) to present to the inhabitants the future transformations of the district, which will last fifteen years. In 2018, the National Agency for Urban Renovation (Anru) had in fact selected this popular sector, in addition to Bellevue, Bottière and Dervallières, as a “district of national interest to be transformed”. In total, no less than 533 million euros will be invested, in particular thanks to various donors, developers, communities and Anru.

Indispensable to the launch of this major operation which will affect 25,000 inhabitants, the creation of the Nantes-North concerted development zone (ZAC) was voted on Friday by the metropolitan elected officials. The objectives, “to open up the district” and “to vary the types of housing”, will involve the networking of parks, the requalification of major urban axes, a renewal of the commercial offer with 8,000 m2 of additional surface, or even the rehabilitation of 2,500 social housing units and the construction of 1,100 new ones.

La Boissière shopping center soon to be demolished

“User-friendliness will be improved, as will connections with other neighborhoods, promises Pierre Quénéa, vice-president of Nantes Métropole in charge of city policy. About 4,000 inhabitants participated in the development of this global project. “

Dilapidated, the La Boissière shopping center will be demolished from next year to make way for new buildings. In the meantime, home renovations have already started, says the metropolis. A multi-professional health center is due to open in 2023.

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