a 12-year-old teenager admits to being the author of five fire starts in Brittany

Fortunately, the damage remained minimal. In Saint-Malo de Beignon (Morbihan), a town located not far from the Brocéliande forest, we have not yet gone far from the disaster with five fire outbreaks observed in recent days. Each time, the fire broke out on the side of the road, burning a few tens of square meters of vegetation.

Following this succession of fires, the gendarmes of the community of brigades of Guer-Coëtquidan opened an investigation. It led to the arrest on Thursday of a 12-year-old teenager, reports France Bleu Armorique. In police custody, the boy admitted the facts. Returned to his parents, the teenager will be summoned before a juvenile judge. It will also be the subject of a socio-educational follow-up.

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