9 facts about sex: in what ways women and men differ

These are the studies and surveys on the individual facts:

1. Sex fantasies: Two scenarios are particularly popular among women. 29 percent imagine sadomasochism. 28 percent think of having sex with several men. One fantasy dominates among men: the majority dreams of having sex with several women. (Survey of the online partner exchange eDarling)

2. Duration: The act of love lasts about 17 minutes on average. (Durex Global Sex Survey 2006 online)

3. Orgasm Intensity: Women aged 35 to 44 are most satisfied with the intensity of their orgasm. Men are younger when it comes to satisfaction: between 25 and 34 years of age. (Online survey among women and Men; Durex Global Sex Survey 2006)

4. Loyalty: 57 percent of men are more prone to fling. 47 percent of women feel the same way.
(Study by Wodarski, Manning, and Dunbar; 2015)

5. Clitoris: Most of the clitoris is inside the body. Their tip can be between a few millimeters and 3 centimeters in size. (Study of Sale, Throne, O’Brien, 1992)

6. Porn_ 61 percent of men say they watch porn alone. In contrast, only 29 percent of women say that. 33 percent say they saw porn with their partner. (YouGov survey, 2016)

7. Reason for Sex: The main reason for either sex: Affection. (Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2007)

8. Penis: the size varies a lot. The smallest measured penis was 9.9 millimeters. The longest: 48.2 centimeters.

9. Sex in old age: Among people over the age of 80 who are in a relationship, 30.8 percent of men and 25 percent of women still have sex.
Study by Klaiberg, Brähler and Schumacher, 2001

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