84,272 new positive cases in 24 hours in France, 3,147 patients in critical care

The fifth wave of Covid-19 continues to worsen in France, with a further increase in contamination and patients admitted to critical care.

Covid-19 contaminations continue to rise in France. 84,272 new cases were confirmed on Wednesday, according to figures released by Public Health France. Over the past seven days, the average stood at 56,883 cases.

The Minister of Health Olivier Véran warned Wednesday that the number of cases would increase and that we would exceed “very likely 100,000 contaminations per day by the end of the month”.

Pressure continues to mount on critical care services which have 3,147 patients compared to 3,096 on Tuesday, with 322 new admissions. 16,118 people are currently hospitalized against 16,076 the day before, with 1,404 new admissions.

The number of deaths since the start of the epidemic has reached 122,116, 170 more than the day before.

Vaccination continues

Since the start of the vaccination campaign in France, 52,642,823 people have received at least one injection (i.e. 78.1% of the total population) and 51,553,975 people now have a complete vaccination schedule (i.e. 76.5% of the total population). Since the start of the booster campaign, 21,222,662 people have received an additional dose.

Faced with the outbreak of the epidemic, France officially opened the vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 on Wednesday, but the booster dose has not been “for the moment” extended to adolescents.

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