815 dead in 24 hours, a record for the second day in a row

For the second day in a row, Russia recorded a record number of coronavirus-related deaths. Some 815 deaths were recorded this Friday by the authorities against 808 the day before. This report brings to 168,864 the number of deaths recorded by the government as being due to Covid-19.

This number is partial, however, because it only takes into account autopsied deaths whose primary cause is the new coronavirus. Russian statistics agency Rosstat, which has a broader definition, reports more than 300,000 deaths at the end of June 2021. The country, which has been facing an epidemic resurgence since the beginning of the summer, has also recorded 22,277 new cases of coronavirus, according to the daily report provided by the Russian government’s crisis center.

Only 30% of the population received at least one injection

The epidemic wave caused by the Delta variant is all the more deadly – some 21,000 dead in June alone, according to Rosstat – as the Russians do not rush to get vaccinated, against a background of mistrust of serums developed by Russia, like the Sputnik V.

Barely 30% of the population has received at least one injection, while the campaign, launched with a lot of official propaganda, began in December 2020. Calls from President Vladimir Putin to be vaccinated also failed. acceleration. None of the vaccines designed in the West are distributed in Russia.

Massive lifting of restrictions

Despite everything, most of the restrictions have been lifted, especially in Moscow, the epicenter of the epidemic on Russian territory, in order to preserve the economy. On Friday, the mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, affirmed that the pandemic “continues to decline” in the capital, ensuring that the number of hospitalizations there is halved compared to June and announcing the abolition of the obligation for employers to telework 30% of their staff.

The number of cases is indeed declining in the capital, which was the first to be affected by the Delta variant. The wave passed in Moscow, it spread to the rest of the country.

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