8,000 skeletons discovered under a parking lot

Skeletons under the parking lot: that could be the title of a Z series film. Yet it is the real discovery made in the city center of Villefranche-sur-Saône, on the construction site of the underground parking lot of the Promontoire. If these human traces are intriguing, they impatient the authorities and residents of Caladois, in a hurry to complete the construction.

8,000 centuries-old skeletons

This work, started last February, was interrupted in the spring and has still not resumed. The reason: the discovery of many skeletons on what was an old parish cemetery, between the 11th and 18th centuries. According to INRAP, National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research, there are 8,000, reports France 3.

The site, which hinders traffic and is covered in vegetation, is on hiatus while the town hall and partner companies find a way to ensure the construction of the car park, which they are in a hurry to resume, while respecting the bones discovered. . A solution should be found in October.

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