5,962 new infections: Corona incidence in Berlin continues to rise steeply

5,962 new infections
Corona incidence in Berlin continues to rise steeply

dpa / Christoph Soeder

Audio: Inforadio | 01/07/2022 | Miriam Keuter | Image: dpa / Christoph Soeder

The number of new infections with the corona virus has continued to rise in Berlin. 5,961 new infections were reported within one day, according to data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Friday morning.

Within seven days, it was arithmetically stuck 511.5 people per 100,000 population have been shown to have the virus. The so-called seven-day incidence has thus increased again by leaps and bounds. On Thursday the value was 416.9.

This makes Berlin the federal state with the second highest seven-day incidence. According to the RKI, Bremen is at the top (799.9).

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