51% of Ethereum blocks are OFAC compliant, raising concerns about censorship.

A month after the Merge, 51% of Ethereum blocks are compliant with OFAC standards. followLabrys data as MEV-Boost relays are taking over

On Twitter, users highlighted how these numbers represent a major step forward against censorship. Due to the large number of blocks under surveillance:

OFAC stands for Office of Foreign Assets Control, which is the agency responsible for enforcing US economic sanctions, while MEV-Boost relays is a centralized body that acts as a trusted intermediary between block producers. and block builders. This way, all Ethereum proof-of-stake (PoS) validators can outsource their block production to other creators.

“The Ethereum block went from 9% OFAC compliant to 51% last month as mev boost (block outsourcing) has already gained market share.

Labrys CEO Lachan Feeney said in an interview in September: “Even though the sanctioned transactions will eventually be processed. However, it may result in long waiting times and high fees. It makes the user experience substandard.”

Labrys states that there are currently seven key mev boost relays: Flashbots, BloXroute Max Profit, BloXroute Ethical, BloXroute Regulated, BlockNative, Manifold and Eden.

“Out of the 7 main relays available, only 3 are not censored to OFAC compliance requirements.”

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