5,053 people in intensive care in France

Coronavirus: 5,053 people in intensive care in France – AFP

The number of patients in intensive care for Covid-19 fell slightly on Wednesday compared to the previous day at 5,053, according to daily figures
of Public Health France.

In addition, 59,038 new cases of coronavirus were also recorded, but the indicator included a catch-up, no figure having been made public on Tuesday. In the last twenty-four hours, 304 new deaths have been recorded bringing the death toll to 95,667 including 69,623 in hospital. The positivity rate is stable compared to the previous three days, at 8.2%.

472 sheave admissions in 24 hours

The number of people currently in critical care stands at 5,053 against 5,072 on Tuesday. On Monday, the peak of the second wave of the epidemic (just over 4,900 patients in mid-November) had been exceeded. The peak of the first wave, with just over 7,000 patients at the start of April, is still a long way off.

But the pace of critical care admissions is very high, with 472 new admissions in twenty-four hours. The total number of people hospitalized is down slightly to 28,463 people against 28,510 Tuesday with 2,209 admissions since Tuesday.

Faced with a deteriorating situation, Emmanuel Macron announced on Wednesday the closure of schools for three to four weeks and the extension of restrictions to the entire metropolis.

According to health authorities, 8,516,790 people received at least one injection of a vaccine against Covid-19 and 2,869,832 people received 2 doses.

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