5 common nutrient deficiencies – and how to fight them!

What nutrient deficiencies are there? How do you recognize them and how do you deal with them? Here we show you the 5 most common nutrient deficiencies and how you can fix them!

Do you often feel tired or listless? This could be due to a nutrient deficiency. Everyone needs vitamins and nutrients. You get them mainly through food. However, if you lack certain nutrients or vitamins, this can lead to deficiency symptoms and diseases.

Nutrient deficiency of vitamin D: Digestive problems, weak immune system and depression

We need vitamin D because it performs many tasks in our body. It strengthens the bones and has an influence on our muscle building. Symptoms of a lack of vitamin D include digestive or intestinal problems, a weakened immune system or even depression. Here you should pay special attention to your diet. Eat more eggs, cheese and butter. Fish such as cod, salmon or mackerel can also improve your vitamin D balance. However, the easiest way is to take a quick dip in the sun. 10 to 20 minutes of sun is enough to raise your vitamin D levels.

Iron deficiency: tiredness and headache

Around 25% of all people worldwide suffer from iron deficiency. Women are particularly affected here. Symptoms of iron deficiency are tiredness and lack of concentration, paleness, headache and dizziness as well as brittle nails and torn corners of the mouth. Most meat products are high in iron. But vegetables such as lamb’s lettuce and rocket as well as legumes can also help you to eliminate a deficiency.

Nutrient deficiency of vitamin B12: lack of concentration and paleness

Our body needs vitamin B12 for the formation of red blood cells, for the functioning of the nervous system or for our cell growth. Vegans are most often affected by this deficiency because you mainly get vitamin B12 from animal foods.

Fatigue, paleness, and poor concentration and memory are typical signs of a vitamin B12 deficiency. Foods like salmon, eggs, or cheese can help you eliminate the deficiency. For vegans, it is recommended to use soy products that contain vitamin B 12.

Nutrient deficiency of iodine: Leads to thyroid problems

Iodine is required for the production of thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones are important for all metabolic processes in the body. An iodine deficiency therefore affects everything that is influenced by thyroid hormones, such as the heart, the circulatory or nervous system, muscles and metabolism. A lack of iodine can lead to an enlarged thyroid gland and thus to the formation of a goiter in the neck, which narrows the trachea and esophagus.

To prevent this, you should use iodized salt when cooking, for example. Saltwater fish such as haddock, pollock or plaice are particularly rich in iodine and are suitable for preventing iodine deficiency. The sea air and sea water can also be helpful with an iodine deficiency.

Nutrient deficiency of folic acid: Particularly dangerous during pregnancy

Folic acid is involved in a number of important metabolic and growth processes. The vitamin is responsible for the formation of blood cells and the structure of DNA. Women who take birth control pills, pregnant and breastfeeding women, smokers and alcoholics are particularly at risk. Otherwise, the intake of folic acid in Germany is generally sufficient.

Pregnant women in particular should ensure that they take around 400 micrograms of folic acid daily so that the baby can develop optimally. Legumes such as lentils or an additional intake of preparations that contain folic acid are suitable for this.

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