48th German Film Ball in Munich: When the hall takes off again – Munich

It’s amazing that an evening that begins so formally and thoughtfully ends quite differently. But maybe it also depends on the industry. Michael Brandner is one of the first performers at the 48th German Film Ball to stand in the foyer of the Bayerischer Hof around 7 p.m. and says: “We haven’t had much to laugh about in recent years.” Many people didn’t have enough work; the streaming services like Netflix or Amazon, the new players on the market, are very financially strong, but they also “make announcements” when it comes to pay. Brandner, 72, started 38 years ago “when the money was still flying low.” But how the protagonists are doing during the film doesn’t play that much of a role that evening. Firstly, many guests here are able to act. And secondly, this ball has always been a moment when the industry collectively gained confidence. It doesn’t take long until the activation energy for a proper celebration is reached.

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