467 corona vaccination injuries recognized so far | tagesschau.de

As of: January 22, 2024 7:16 a.m

Around 65 million people in Germany have been vaccinated against the coronavirus. According to a media report, the authorities have so far recognized vaccination damage in 467 of them.

In Germany, according to a media report, vaccination damage has so far been recognized in 467 of the approximately 65 million people vaccinated against Corona. As can be seen from a query by the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” with the responsible authorities in all 16 federal states, 11,827 people have submitted an application for recognition of damage caused by the corona vaccination.

The applications were approved in 467 cases. Based on the total number of vaccinated people, this corresponds to a rate of 0.00072 percent. According to the report, more than 5,000 applications were rejected and 658 applications were rejected for other reasons. 5,597 applications have not yet been processed.

Slow progress due to lack of reviewers

According to the North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry of Health, one reason for the enormous backlog of applications is a lack of assessors. It is also problematic that “there is currently only an incomplete state of knowledge in medical science about established connections between vaccinations against COVID-19 and individual clinical pictures,” a ministry spokesman told the newspaper.

People who still complain about damage to their health six months after the vaccination can submit an application for recognition of vaccination damage and compensation. With 11,827 applications, this means that 0.018 percent of the approximately 65 million people vaccinated in Germany have submitted such an application, as the “NOZ” reports.

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