4 tips for digestive problems during menopause

Most women experience menopause between their mid-40s and early 50s. During this time, fertility decreases because the production of sex hormones decreases. As a result, ovulation and, accordingly, menstrual bleeding become more irregular until they finally stop altogether.

This phase of change leaves almost no woman untouched. Many report hot flashes, mood swings, or trouble sleeping. What is less talked about is digestive problems such as bloating, abdominal pain or harder bowel movements. In the following we will explain why such gastrointestinal complaints occur and what you can do about them.

Why do women suffer from indigestion during menopause?

Hormones and gut? Very few of us probably have this symbiosis directly on the screen. But yes, the gut is not only responsible for digesting food and delivering nutrients to the body, but also for producing and releasing hormones. But what causes the indigestion?

The female hormone is to blame estrogen, which is also responsible for the release of the stress hormone cortisol. During menopause, estrogen decreases. The result: The cortisol concentration increases and adrenaline can be released more easily. An increased cortisol concentration can in turn impair the digestive system, since the digestive functions are severely downregulated and this can lead to flatulence, abdominal pain, constipation or hard bowel movements.

But two other hormones are also up to mischief. And that’s what we’re talking about progesterone and prostaglandins. Progesterone is also a female sex hormone that decreases during menopause. Its relaxing effect on the muscles can slow down the intestinal tract and lead to constipation and bloating. Then there are the prostaglandins. These, on the other hand, have a stimulating effect on the muscles. If the mashed food is transported too quickly, stomach cramps, frequent bowel movements or even diarrhea can sometimes occur.

During menopause, hormones are in a constant ups and downs until they level off. During this transitional period, women can therefore experience more digestive problems.

Eat a healthy diet if you have digestive problems

Gastrointestinal complaints cause discomfort and can massively impair the quality of life. For this reason, you should pay attention to a healthy and balanced diet, especially during the menopause, and take a closer look at certain eating habits. Even small changes can contribute enormously to your well-being:

  • Eat a high-fiber diet by eating vegetables, fruit, whole grains, or legumes every day. Fiber is necessary for your intestinal flora and promotes digestion.
  • To support your digestive system, you should drink enough fluids every day. According to the recommendation of the German Society for Nutrition, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid in the form of water and unsweetened tea.
  • Chew each bite thoroughly and eat slowly. This means you swallow less air and put less strain on your bowels.
  • Our intestines need movement to work properly. Therefore, try to incorporate as much exercise as possible into your everyday life and, for example, always take a short walk after eating.

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