3G rule in passenger transport: what passengers need to know now

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3G rule in passenger transport: what passengers need to know now

A DB security employee checks the mask requirement on the train

© Sebastian Gollnow / DPA

Ride only for vaccinated, recovered or tested passengers: From Wednesday the 3G obligation will also apply on buses and trains. But how consistently the new rule will be implemented remains unclear. Answers to the most important questions.

It is a measure that is intended to mitigate the fourth corona wave: The 3G rule decided by the Bundestag and Bundesrat should not only be implemented in the workplace for all employees, but also in public transport. This shouldn’t be a problem for vaccinated and convalescent people, but not for unvaccinated people: Their daily commute to work or to the test station becomes complicated.

When does the 3G rule apply in public transport?

From Wednesday November 24th. The law was published in the Federal Law Gazette on Tuesday. On Monday, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier signed the law with the new Corona requirements.

Where does the 3G rule apply?

Anyone who has not recovered or has not been vaccinated must at least show a negative test certificate. This applies to all passengers on local and long-distance buses, on regional and long-distance trains operated by Deutsche Bahn and on domestic German flights. The following applies to the tests for unvaccinated persons: This must not be older than 24 hours when starting the journey. A rapid antigen test is sufficient. One “citizen test” per week is now free again.

Should there be exceptions?

Yes, taxis and those under the age of six are excluded from the new 3G rule. Schoolchildren are also exempt from the obligation to provide evidence when they are transported because they are regularly tested in schools.

Who controls the implementation and checks the evidence?

According to the law, the type of controls is left to the transport companies. The evidence can be checked during a ticket inspection. The transport companies try to work with the police.

How does Deutsche Bahn intend to implement the 3G rules?

According to the railway, the DB security and control staff will randomly check the 3G certificates in the trains. This includes around 4,200 DB Sicherheit employees as well as around 5,000 DB service and control personnel on S-Bahn, RE and RB trains, either owned by DB or working on behalf of DB.

What happens if a passenger is unable to show 3G proof?

On request, the railway announced: If a passenger cannot show a 3G certificate, the security and control staff will ask to get off at the next stop and get the 3G certificate at a test center. A violation of the 3G rule is an administrative offense that is fined by the authorities. Should the DB have to issue an exclusion from transport, they can ask the Federal Police for assistance in the event of problems.

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Are there any doubts about the implementation of the measures?

The chairman of the Union of German Locomotive Drivers (GDL), Claus Weselsky, rules out controls for train attendants. “It’s not part of their job,” he says. “Nobody answers the question of who should implement or control it.” For him, additional 3G controls would only increase the aggressive mood on the trains.

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