3,000 more prison places, dengue fever in Guadeloupe and anger of actors in Hollywood

Did you miss the news this early morning? We’ve put together a recap to help you see things more clearly.

“Chiche”: faced with the crisis of prison overcrowding, the National Assembly gave the green light on Wednesday evening to the LR request to build 3,000 additional prison places by 2027, to the chagrin of the left. The current program of “15,000” creations of places by 2027, launched in 2018, has been delayed and is “already undersized” according to a recent parliamentary report.

Carried by the boss of the right-wing party Éric Ciotti, an amendment setting this objective of 3,000 more places was approved during the first reading of the programming project for justice. LFI pinned a “reactionary arc between Macronie, the right and the far right”. RN deputies brought the request from 7,000 to 10,000 additional places.

More than 425 cases of dengue fever have been recorded in Guadeloupe since January 2023, the local Regional Health Agency (ARS) said on Wednesday, which warns of an “emergence of foci” of the virus of “expansive nature” in the archipelago. Since June, the disease, transmitted by mosquitoes, has been present in 13 Guadeloupe municipalities but its resurgence has been observed since November 2022, said the ARS in a press release.

Some cases have “caused several visits to adult and pediatric emergencies”, adds the health organization. According to the ARS, “the steady increase in the number of reported cases has thus been observed every week since April”, with the observation of an “acceleration of the phenomenon in recent weeks” with “foci of dengue of an expansive nature”.

Will the actors shut down the American audiovisual industry? Hollywood was preparing for a probable social movement of actors, likely to join the screenwriters on strike and seriously handicap the promotion of summer blockbusters if no agreement is reached by midnight (9 a.m. this Friday Paris time).

The new remuneration grid blocks the residual rights of streaming and the actors want to protect their image, and their voice at the time of generative artificial intelligences.

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