300 tons of wheat destroyed in missile attack

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Of: Caroline Schaefer, Nadia Austel, Vincent Bussow, Jan Frederik Wendt, Christian Sturgeon, Tanya Koch

Tensions around the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant are increasing. The fighting is also continuing in Dnipropetrovsk: the news ticker on Thursday, August 25.

+++ 10.30 p.m.: Russian troops shelled the village of Velyka Kostromka in the Dnipropetrovsk region of central Ukraine. According to information from the head of the area, Mykola Lukaschuk, these were Uragan rockets. As a result of the attack, several buildings were destroyed, nobody was injured. The city of Zelenodolsk was also shelled, Lukaschuk wrote on Telegram.

A railway worker inspects a badly damaged train after a Russian attack on a railway station on Ukraine’s Independence Day in the Dnepropetrovsk region. (Archive image) © Leo Correa/dpa

News about the Ukraine war: Zaporizhia nuclear power plant back online

+++ 9.38 p.m: According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Russian-occupied Zaporizhia nuclear power plant has been reconnected to the Ukrainian power grid. At times, the nuclear power plant was disconnected from the grid on Thursday. However, all six of the plant’s reactors remain shut down, the IAEA said.

In view of this, the United States has warned Moscow against diverting the electricity. “To be clear, the nuclear power plant and the electricity it produces belong to Ukraine,” said US State Department Deputy Spokesman Vedant Patel. Any attempt to disconnect the plant from the Ukrainian power supply and divert it to Russian-held areas is “unacceptable”. The news channel CNN had previously published satellite images from Planet Labs and the European Space Agency (ESA) showing fires and smoke near the nuclear power plant on Thursday morning.

Ukraine War: 500 bodies recovered after battle for Mariupol

+++ 8.53 p.m.: Since the battle for the port city of Mariupol and that Azovstal Steel Plant around 500 dead Ukrainian soldiers have now been recovered. The bodies have been brought back from Mariupol and its suburbs since June as part of a continuous exchange, Olena Tolkachova, head of the Azov regiment’s patronage service, told the state news agency Suspilne. However, the bodies are in poor condition, making identification difficult, Tolkachova said. Nevertheless, 20 dead have been identified and buried so far.

The last Ukrainian soldiers surrendered in Azovstal at the end of May. The plant was the last part of the strategically important city in south-eastern Ukraine that was not yet completely under Russian control. Only rubble remains of what was once the largest steelworks in Europe in terms of area.

News about the Ukraine war: Scholz “levelheaded” on arms deliveries

+++ 7.25 p.m.: Ukraine keeps demanding arms supplies from the West to defend the country in the fight against Russia. Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) had assured that he would act “prudently and carefully” when making decisions about further deliveries. The aim is to support Ukraine and at the same time prevent the war from escalating, Scholz said in a conversation with citizens in Magdeburg. “You can rest assured that we will always have the prudence, clarity and firmness to make decisions based on this principle.”

Earlier, US President Joe Biden stressed that the United States would not provide weapons that could be used to fire on Russian territory. “And I think that’s a principle that everyone else adhered to equally,” said the Chancellor. They will “never go it alone, but always orientate ourselves on what our allies are doing.”

Ukraine war: Zaporizhia nuclear power plant probably disconnected from the power grid

+++ 6.40 p.m.: The Zaporizhia nuclear power plant was completely disconnected from the Ukrainian power grid for the first time, the state nuclear power plant operator Energoatom announced on Telegram. The “last remaining power line” that connects the nuclear power plant to the power grid was severed as a result of a fire. “The other three power lines were previously damaged in Russian attacks,” it said. The power supply to the nuclear power plant itself is currently still being ensured via a line to the neighboring thermal power plant from the Ukrainian energy system. Employees are currently trying to bring a power plant unit back online.

Russia, on the other hand, reported that one of two power plant blocks currently in operation has already been reconnected. The blocks should have been shut down only temporarily due to the Ukrainian shelling, the region’s occupation chief, Yevgeny Balitsky, wrote on Telegram. The information provided by both sides has not yet been independently verified. The power supply in the city of Enerhodar, where the nuclear power plant is located, had previously been interrupted (see update from 2 p.m.). Also in Melitopol and the Cherson region there is currently no electricity available, the news portal reported pravda.com.

News about the Ukraine war: Putin expands Russia’s army

+++ 3.20 p.m.: Vladimir Putin has ordered the expansion of the Russian army. A corresponding decree was published on Thursday (25 August). It states that the army strength should total more than two million people from 2023. The number of actual emergency services is to be increased by 137,000 to around 1.15 million. The remaining military personnel are so-called civilian personnel, such as administrative employees. An official reason for the increase was not given.

+++ 2.20 p.m.: The Russian Defense Ministry has confirmed the targeted attack on the railway station in Chaplyne, Ukraine, which left at least 25 people dead. Moscow, on the other hand, said that “more than 200” Ukrainian reservists had been killed. The European Union condemned the attack as “Russian missile terror”. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell spoke on Twitter of a “disgusting attack by Russia on civilians”. “Those responsible for Russian missile terror will be held accountable,” he said.

Ukraine war: rocket attack on train station – number of victims increases

+++ 2 p.m.: In the city of Enerhodar the supply of water and electricity has failed. This was reported by the Ukrainian mayor of the city, Dmytro Orlov, on Thursday afternoon (August 25). The city, where the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant is located, is “again on the brink of a humanitarian disaster,” said Orlov. The Kremlin-loyal news agency too RIA Novosti reports of power outages on the war front, particularly in Kherson. While the reason for the outages is still unknown, according to the Russian outlet, Dmytro Orlov said they were the result of attacks from Russia.

+++ 11.15 a.m.: The rescue operation after the missile attack on a railway station in Ukraine has ended. This was announced by the Deputy Head of the President’s Office on Thursday (August 25). Accordingly, the final number of victims has risen again. While Ukrainian President Selenskyj last spoke of 22 dead, there is now talk of 25 – including two children. 31 other people are said to have been injured in the attack in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

Ukraine war: More than 20 dead in rocket attack on train station – “Extremely difficult night”

+++ 10.05 a.m.: On Thursday night (August 25), Russia continued to intensify its attacks on Ukraine. Four towns in the Dnipropetrovsk region are said to have been shelled with artillery. This was announced by the responsible head of the military administration, who spoke of an “extremely difficult night”. The Synelnykove district in particular was hit hard, with eight civilians reportedly injured, including three children. Previously had a Russian Rocket killed several people at a train station in Dnepropetrovsk.

There should also have been shelling in the area around Kyiv, according to the local military administration. Two artillery shells hit the ground early in the morning, but no civilians were injured. The increased attacks from Russia are attributed to Ukraine’s Independence Day, which fell on Thursday. On that day, an air raid warning of shelling was issued a total of 189 times, reports the Ukrainian portal Ukrainska Pravda.

Update from Thursday, August 25, 2022, 07:24: After the rocket attack on the railway station in Chaplyne, the number of people killed has risen to a total of 22, according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. 50 other people were injured. Initially, the President assumed 15 fatalities. The information could not initially be verified independently. “Chaplyne is our pain today,” Zelenskyj said in his video message.

Update from Wednesday, August 24, 6:45 a.m.: The Russian army again attacked the infrastructure of Zaporizhia on Wednesday night (24 August). The portal reports Kyiv Independent and cites reports from the city’s mayor, Anatolii Kurtiev. According to the portal, the attacks have not yet been officially confirmed, but helpers are already on site and checking the situation.

News about the Ukraine war: Flying objects shot down over Crimea

First report from Monday, August 22nd: Kyiv/Moscow – The Ukraine war has now lasted almost half a year. Now the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy several compatriots honored for their special merits. Among others, football legend Andriy Shevchenko, who used his fame to help Ukraine, received the order “National Legend of Ukraine”, Zelenskyy announced on Telegram on Monday night. The honorees also include a train conductor who brought fleeing people from particularly hard-fought areas and whose wife was killed on one of the journeys.

News about the Ukraine war: shock in Moscow after the death of Dugin’s daughter

In Moscow is the shock of the suspected murder of Darja Dugina, daughter of right-wing nationalist ideologue Alexander Dugin, big. “Alexander Gelyevich, your tragedy has become the pain of millions,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told Dugin on Telegram. His daughter was considered an ardent supporter of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. Ukraine has denied involvement in the incident. (tk/jfw/vbu/na/cs/kas with dpa/AFP)

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