3 Blockchain Experts Introducing the new generation ‘Develop Skill, setting goals, not hitting the boundaries’ if they want to succeed in the blockchain career.

Forward Labs continues to share knowledge, join hands Thammasat Blockchain Community ready to inviteBit Supakrit Boonsart CEO and Founder Bitcast Join the event to exchange knowledge with students who are interested in entering the blockchain industry on the topic “Forward The Future To Young Generation and Career Paths in the Blockchain Industry”. Impact Tech Doing Business Using Technology Responsibly

Mr. Beam Chanon Jaratsuthikul Co-Founder and CEO Forward Labs Blockchain FinTech Startups gave an idea The most important skill in the field of Blockchain is “Develop skill” is the ability to develop yourself. How to make the spotlight shine on us To see that we are the same red bow products that must make ourselves different and stand out from others. If we have this skill, we can be anything we want.

After graduating, it’s time to decide what’s right for you. Regardless of whether you choose to study or choose to work Both offer different experiences. Therefore, what should be clear before choosing is destination that we want to go or that we would like to grow in the future Once we have set our goals, let’s scope down which choices will lead us to our goals. If you see that you continue to study, choose to study, but if you see that you are working, choose to work, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t work and study together. Because today we have the Internet. Therefore, learning is not only limited to taking courses from master’s and doctorate degrees. Studying those courses will answer more questions.

Mr. M. Dr. Udomsak Rakwongwan Co-Founder and Advisor Forward Labs Added that there are few types of people who continue to study. The first group was to learn more in depth what they learned from the bachelor’s degree. The next group was those who did not have a job, and the next group were those who did not want to work. But I don’t want to be alone which if we are happy to study it’s no problem But let’s not forget that we need to spend a lot of time on these courses. Especially if studying for a doctorate like me, don’t have to mention it. spend a lot of time in life Personally, what do you feel from working more than studying? back to work During my working life, I believe that we will encounter many jobs that we don’t like. If we are in a good situation We have to look for opportunities to develop to the point where we can work at full capacity. and with good mental health Don’t think to settle down in one place you already know it’s not. Always looking for opportunities for yourself. to change myself to a better place It will allow us to travel farther in the career path.

Mr. Bit Supakrit Boonsart CEO and Founder Bitcast and President of the Thai Digital Asset Association It is recommended that you do not want to frame yourself. From the path that the education regime created for us After graduating, we can be more than that. and do more than that which in fact We don’t have to wait until we graduate. We can do what we want right now too. Don’t let the framework limit your thinking abilities. And the ability to act. What is important is that we start to ask questions systematically. and be reasonable To be able to create an approach that goes beyond the boundaries that have been envisaged This will help us create opportunities for life. and multitasking But be sure to respect other people’s opinions as well.

Forward The Future To Young Generation activity: career path in the Blockchain industry was held at Thammasat University, Rangsit Center on August 30th. which can be listened to at the fan page Forward Labs from linkthis

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