2nd matchday: Joker Burke saves Werder against Stuttgart a point

2nd matchday
Joker Burke saves Werder against Stuttgart a point

Scored in added time: Werder’s Oliver Burke. photo

© Carmen Jaspersen/dpa

When Bremen’s successful duo gets tired in the attack, someone who hasn’t been known for scoring goals jumps into the breach. But on this midsummer day in Bremen, the newcomer is on the spot.

As a great scorer, Oliver Burke has not made an appearance at his previous stations. Fighting, toiling, winning duels – these are the attributes attributed to the 25-year-old Scotsman.

When he first played in the Bundesliga for RB Leipzig in the 2016/17 season, he only scored a measly goal in 25 games. In Bremen, Burke only needed two short missions to set this record. With his goal in the fifth minute of stoppage time, attacker Werder Bremen also saved a 2-2 (1-1) win over VfB Stuttgart and thus ensured a conciliatory home return for the Green-Whites in the Bundesliga.

Happy Scot

“Of course I’m very happy,” said the Scot after the hard-fought game in the Weser Stadium. “I don’t think I’ve ever scored a goal at such a late stage. And then an important one that gave us a point,” Burke said with satisfaction. Six minutes before the end of regulation time, Bremen coach Ole Werner brought the newcomer from Sheffield United into the game. “He should be there for rebounds and second balls,” said Werner, “the plan worked.”

As at the start in Wolfsburg, the Werder coach relied on his successful second division strike duo Niclas Füllkrug and Marvin Ducksch. While Füllkrug put the hosts ahead in the fourth minute in the sold-out Weser Stadium and thus scored his second goal of the season, Ducksch remained without a goal again. Overall, the duo, who scored 39 goals last season, notice the difference between the first and second divisions.

Strikers don’t get as many chances in the Bundesliga as they do in the lower house, so it’s important to take advantage of the few opportunities they have. Burke showed them how to do it. The Brit only came to a dangerous end once and caused the arena on the Osterdeich to explode emotionally with his goal. “The atmosphere was great,” said Burke. “He did a great job,” praised Füllkrug.

The regular goalscorer initiated the decisive action with a winning header duel. With the last of his strength, Füllkrug climbed up in midsummer temperatures and extended the ball to Mitchell Weiser, who finally staged Burke. “It was brutally exhausting in the heat,” said Füllkrug, “I’m glad I went into the header duel again.”


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