25 years of “Theatre of Wooden Laughter” – Munich

When Sonja Graf and Markus Hummel call for open-air performances of their “Theatre of Wooden Laughter” in the English Garden every year in late summer, the anxious look at the sky is simply part of it. Will the sun laugh or cry? That’s how it is again this year, in the 25th year of this wonderfully idiosyncratic two-person stage. For the anniversary, Sonja Graf wrote an absurd game entitled “Sperlingsgewitter”, which shouldn’t be interpreted in meteorological terms. The world premiere is on Saturday, September 2, 8 p.m. in the amphitheater in the northern part of the English Garden.

The whole thing takes place in the south of France, an ambitious representative for bathing and swimming facilities is featured, as is Peggy Guggenheim, a surrealist congress and, of course, the sparrows. And although Graf and Hummel essentially take care of everything on their own, from writing plays to directing, stage and costume design, prompting – they always have professionals on the team for the music. This time Talel Elkouki takes care of the vocals.

“Sparrow Thunderstorm”, Theater of Wooden Laughter, premiere Sat. 2 September, 8 p.m., amphitheater in the northern part of the English Garden, further performances Sun. 3rd, Wed. 6th, Thurs., 7th, Fri., 8th, Sat., 9th, and Sun., September 10th, each 8 p.m., only in good weather, also Fri. 15th and Sat., September 16th, in the Werkhaus, Leonrodstr. 19, admission is free, with prior registration at 0162/425 18 92

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