216th day of war: NATO investigates gas leaks at Nord Stream pipelines

Speculations about sabotage of Nord Stream pipelines +++ Merz apologizes for “social tourism” +++ The news about Russia’s war in Ukraine in star-Live blog.

In the Russian-held areas of Ukraine, the last day of mock referendums on joining Russia is underway. Ukraine and the West see the compulsory voting as a violation of international law. It is expected that the areas will be annexed and possibly declared Russian territory by Putin this Friday – with possibly far-reaching consequences for the conduct of the war.

Meanwhile, the Kremlin has admitted “mistakes” in implementing Russia’s partial mobilization for the war in Ukraine. “Indeed, there were cases where the decree was violated,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said with rare frankness. In view of the numerous departures of Russians of fighting age, however, border closures are no longer unthinkable. The protests and refugee movements are likely to continue.

Read all about the events of the 216th day of the war in star-Live blog.

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