200 retail stores affected by looting according to Bercy

On this Saturday, July 1, 2023, Bruno the MayorMinister of the Economy, and Olivia Gregoire, Minister Delegate for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Trade, Crafts and Tourism, took stock of the looting that has affected many traders throughout France in recent days. ” In total, at least ten shopping centers were attacked and looted, more than 200 mass retail stores were also attacked and looted, 250 tobacconists, some burned, 250 bank branches… Lots of fashion stores, sportswear stores, fast food outlets – McDonald’s, KFC and others.” listed Bruno Le Maire during a press conference. And to denounce acts “inexcusable, unspeakable, intolerable”. As for food brands, we can cite Monoprix, Carrefour, Auchan, Aldi, Lidl…

Quick compensation

The two ministers had organized a meeting a little earlier with traders but also insurers. “ We call on all merchants who may have been affected by acts of vandalism in the last four nights to make their insurance declarations as soon as possible and to claim their loss, damage or operating loss insurance. We have planned to extend the reporting deadlines if necessary so that traders who are currently in shock can benefit from additional deadlines. We have asked insurers to demonstrate the greatest simplicity in processing procedures and the greatest speed in responding in terms of compensation. Compensation must arrive as soon as possible. Finally, we asked them to reduce deductibles on insurance premiums as much as possible, continued the Minister of the Economy. We have also asked the French Banking Federation to show the greatest understanding in terms of processing the deadlines of traders affected by these acts of vandalism. » Damaged traders will also be able to benefit from a deferral of payment of social and tax charges. “ National solidarity must come into play in the face of these events », said Bruno Le Maire. The minister also asked Olivia Grégoire “to study with merchants the possibility of extending the sales period by an additional week, if they wish.”

Faced with multiple looting, the French Trade Council responded with a statement: “Bruno Le Maire brought together all the representatives of the hotel and restaurant trade today to take stock of the extremely serious riot situation that our country is going through. The Conseil du Commerce de France took part in this meeting during which the federations asked for strong and massive government support for our sector. They were partially heard since the Minister asked the insurers to lower the deductibles and to compensate the victims quickly. He also said he was studying the possibility of allowing the staggering of social and tax charges. Finally, the departmental crisis resolution committee will be the body to instruct the files of companies in difficulty. This is very important initial support and we appreciate this approach, but we also hope that, under the aegis of the prefectures, a service will be set up to strengthen the measures of protection for all businesses and customers. We cannot allow the working tool of the people we represent to be savagely destroyed. We cannot resign ourselves to this when our sector has suffered for years from crisis to crisis but has shown itself to be resilient in all circumstances. Let’s stay in solidarity with our merchants so that they can trade freely, calmly and without fear for their working tools”.

The video of the press conference:

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