“20 Minutes” met the world champion of speed reading, Kamel Kaddition

“Today, I describe myself as a fulfilled person because I do what I like. This is the first sentence of our interview with Kamel Kaddition. However, it has not always been easy for this man from Morocco, from a family of 6 children. Kamel Kaddition suffered several forms of discrimination. Starting with that linked to his place of residence, he who lives in Seine-Saint-Denis. But also because of the “unfortunately negative connotation” linked to its origins. ” Get out of La Courneuve in Seine-Saint-Denis, that’s the thing we remembered right away even though I had good results” he confided to us. But it is thanks to his determination “by writing more than 500 CVs by hand” and by highlighting the richness of his commitment to associations, that he managed to find his professional balance.

However, the discovery of speed reading was a new turning point in Kamel’s life. “Since I discovered this discipline everything has changed”. Yet it was by chance that he found himself a candidate for the World Championship in China in 2018. He was only accompanying his wife, who was a participant, and he had to replace someone who did not get their visa at the last moment. From this moment was born a passion and a desire to excel, to be the best. His wife therefore coached him. Three books in one hour a day, here is the training of the cerebral athlete to exceed the feat of 2021: a book read in ten minutes with 60% understanding.

“We are in the human and that, I love. »

Speed ​​reading, preferably called “effective reading”, has made its way to his home. On the one hand, preparing for the various competitions is above all a state of mind and a daily routine. On the other hand, this passion was transmitted to his four children. Her 9-year-old daughter came second in the championship last year, “I was happier for her than for me”. His 7-year-old daughter would also like to follow in her father’s footsteps. It is therefore a family story, which has its benefits. He notices that his children “learn things while having fun, are more autonomous, more efficient and less dispersed”.

Through competitions, Kamel Kaddition has “created links and developed the human side. We are in the human and that, I love. It is to perpetuate this state of mind that he created The Seeds of Success Association on an idea of ​​his wife. It is together that they teach others, with training on speed reading, confidence and surpassing oneself. We feel a great connection between Kamel and his wife: “Each time she did something, by mimicry I reproduced and behind I sought to perfect all that”.

Many projects are to come for this gargantuan reader: the ascent of Mont Blanc, the development of his various associations with his wife and the organization of the national open of masters of the brain in Bondy next October. How about writing a book? The determination and respect for the values ​​that guided his life and enabled him to accomplish great things form, in any case, an excellent canvas for an edifying autobiography. “Ok, I come from Seine-Saint-Denis, ok, I have Moroccan origins but that does not change my skills in any way, explains Kamel Kaddition. We have them, it’s innate, it’s up to us. With work, it will pay off and with perseverance, we will get there. »

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