20 arrests after a raid by ultra-right activists in Romans-sur-Isère

Some of the people in police custody in the investigation into the death of Thomas, stabbed to death in Crépol last weekend, come from the Monnaie district of Romans-sur-Isère in Drôme


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The police deployment was very impressive in Romans-sur-Isère.  (ERWAN CHASSIN / RADIO FRANCE)

Ultra-right activists entered the Monnaie district in Romans-sur-Isère, in Drôme, on Saturday November 25, late in the afternoon. Some of those held in custody in the investigation into the death of Thomas, the 16-year-old stabbed to death in Crépol last weekend, come from this district of Romans-sur-Isère. The police intervened and made arrests, reports France Bleu Drôme Ardèche.

The far-right activists, coming from Lyon and other cities in France, showed up in the Monnaie district shouting “Justice for Thomas”, according to France Bleu Drôme Ardèche. “80 individuals attempted to invade the Monnaie district in Romans-sur-Isère at the end of the day. 20 arrests including 17 police custody were carried out”, announced the prefect of Drôme on X (formerly Twitter).

Several of these activists threw stones and fired fireworks in the direction of the police, according to France Bleu Drôme Ardèche. According to an initial assessment provided by the Drôme prefecture, three people were slightly injured during their arrest. “The situation is calm but under close surveillance.”further specifies the prefecture.

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