17-year-old American rapper accidentally shoots himself in the head while filming a music video

It was a series of failures which proved fatal: a young 17-year-old American rapper accidentally killed himself on Thursday May 16, 2024, by shooting himself in the head while he was shoot a story on your Instagram account, reports Le Parisien.

Broadcast live, the video shows Raleigh Freeman III, responding to the pseudonym Rylo Huncho, showing off a handgun while rapping. As he waves the barrel near his face and squeezes the trigger, probably thinking the safety is on, the camera falls to the ground…

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According to local police, who confirmed it at the New York Post, the young rapper from the small town of Suffolk, Virginia (United States), died instantly. To make matters worse, it appears that he himself inadvertently deactivated the safety of his weapon by handling it.

Accident or suicide?

The cousin of the deceased launched a fundraiser on the Internet the day after the tragedy, reports Le Parisien. “My aunt recently lost her only son. She was a single mother but took care of her son as best she could,” she said in the caption.

“A suicide/accident is the cause of his death and we are still trying to understand why,” she adds further, which seems to indicate that the thesis of a voluntary death, although improbable given the story, does not is not ruled out.

Our “Rap” file

Evoking the numerous messages of condolence sent to the family of the young rapper, the newspaper returns to the debates sparked by this tragedy; Because in addition to the one around firearm ownership in the United States, it was broadcast live and (re)raises the question of free access for young people to social networks.

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