15 departments in orange vigilance “storms” and “heat wave”, indicates Météo-France

The sky will still be capricious this Wednesday, with showers and thunderstorms, especially in the center-west of the country. Météo-France has placed 15 departments on orange “storms” and “heat wave” vigilance, in its newsletter published at 6 o’clock.

The departments of Vienne, Deux-Sèvres, Charente-Maritime, Charente, Creuse, Haute-Vienne, Gironde, Landes, Dordogne are on orange vigilance for thunderstorms, associated with hailstorms as well as to strong gusts of wind. The stormy wave will spread this Wednesday morning in western Aquitaine as well as the departments of the Poitou-Charentes region then towards Haute-Vienne and Creuse. A lull will then be expected in the middle of the morning even if these storms can still persist in these two departments.

Double vigilance storms and heat wave

The heat wave episode is coming to an end and orange vigilance, which still concerns 6 departments of the Center East (Jura, Saône-et-Loire, Loire, Rhône, Ain and Isère) will be lifted. here at the end of the afternoon.

During the day, the weather still looks unstable in many regions. In Normandy, Ile-de-France and Hauts-de-France as far as the Ardennes, the weather will be generally calm, under a sky divided between sun and clouds. However, thunderstorms may punctuate the evening from the south of Normandy to the capital. On the coastal edge of Languedoc-Roussillon and the south-east, the sky will be veiled to very cloudy with some passing showers on the PACA in particular.

Risk of hail

Over the rest of the country, the sky will remain threatening with showers and a risk of thunderstorms. Stormy activity could still be strong locally with a risk of hail and heavy rains in a short time, especially in the center-west this Wednesday morning. This risk will generalize in the afternoon.

Only the Atlantic coast, from the Vendée to the Aquitaine coast, will find a little calmer weather with more spaced out showers and more clearings. The southerly wind will blow quite strongly around the Mediterranean and around the Rhône valley as far as Lyonnais. It will be Wednesday morning between 11 and 16 degrees in general, still locally 18 to 21 from Val-de-Saône and from Franche-Comté to Rhône-Alpes, as well as from Occitanie to PACA, even 22/23 on the beaches of the Mediterranean.

Maximum temperatures will be between 20 and 25 degrees near the Channel and on the Atlantic coast, between 26 and 28 in general on the rest of the country. It will be less hot on the eastern flank with more locally 28 to 30 degrees, or even 31/32 in the average Rhône valley.

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