14-year-old dies after being attacked on the way to school

A man had attacked and injured girls on the way to school in Illerkirchberg near Ulm. A 14-year-old died. A 27-year-old is suspected.

One of the girls is dead, the other seriously injured: A 27-year-old is said to have died on Monday morning in Illerkirchberg in the Alb-Donau district south of Ulm attacked two teenagers on their way to school. A 14-year-old later died in hospital. the police was on site with strong forces, including a special task force (SEK). A building was stormed. Several people, including a suspect, were arrested.

27-year-old allegedly attacked girl with knife on the way to school

According to current knowledge, the man is said to have attacked the two girls aged 13 and 14 on their way to school around 7.30 a.m. The crime scene in the district of Oberkirchberg is on a small cul-de-sac on a path that is used by many schoolchildren in the mornings. On the one hand by older people who want to go to the bus stop to get to secondary schools from there. The two girls were probably on their way there too. On the other hand, especially from younger children who want to go to elementary school on the mountain. A Catholic kindergarten is also just around the corner.

The police are on duty in Oberkirchberg with special forces – a man probably attacked and injured two girls. Meanwhile, the police are said to have stormed a building and arrested a suspect.

Video: Michael Kroha

According to the investigators, the two girls were probably seriously injured with a knife. The ambulance took care of her. The 14-year-old had to be revived at the scene. But she died in the hospital – despite all medical efforts. She is “a German with a migration background”, as the police and public prosecutor announced in the evening. The ongoing autopsy should provide more information on the exact cause of death. The 13-year-old, a German national, also had to be treated in a clinic with serious but not life-threatening injuries.

Police operation in Illerkirchberg: SEK surrounds a house

The suspicious man had retreated to a house and holed up there. The attacker is said to have come from this house. Special police forces surrounded the building. At the same time, street checks took place. Around 10 a.m., a police spokesman announced that the access had taken place.

The officials found three people in the building, all asylum seekers from Eritrea. Two were taken to the station. According to the police, the third suspect, the 27-year-old suspect, was injured and required medical treatment. According to the police, he also found a knife that could have been used as a murder weapon. The man is currently under police guard in a hospital, according to investigators.

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The house in Illerkirchberg is an accommodation for asylum seekers

The house is a community refugee shelter. A family of seven and other single men currently live there separately. It is unclear whether the alleged perpetrator also lives in the house.

A SEK operation took place in Oberkirchberg on Monday morning.

Photo: Michael Kroha

The possible motive of the attacker is also unclear. Police and prosecutors still want to find out why the two girls were attacked and whether the suspect and the two girls knew each other beforehand.

Crime scene in Illerkirchberg cordoned off by the police

Bucher Strasse was closed for several hours between Dietenheimer Strasse and Mündelstrasse for the duration of the police operation. The thoroughfare was also affected by a police cordon. The crime scene was cordoned off with red and white striped warning tape. People in full-body protective suits were on site to secure evidence.

In the village itself, people are shocked after the fact. Although residents apparently did not notice much – except for the numerous police cars. Craftsmen on a construction site only came around 8 a.m. The ambulance and police would have been there by then. “Bad,” says a passerby with the bike. “It’s terrible,” said Illerkirchberg Mayor Markus Häußler (independent) a few hours after the incident, when it was not yet known that the 14-year-old had succumbed to her injuries. He was at the police operation in Oberkirchberg in the morning. When the access took place, he had to go “out of the danger zone” to a safe distance from the action. His condolences go to the relatives. Together with the municipal administration, he now wants to offer them help.

14-year-old dies after knife attack in Illerkirchberg: 27-year-old suspect

Police operation with SEK in Oberkirchberg: The pictures from the crime scene

Photo: Michael Kroha, Thomas Heckmann

Contrary to initial assumptions, the local elementary school was not affected. “Contrary to rumours, there was no school shooting alarm,” said a police spokesman. The two injured were also not of primary school age. As the head of the primary school, Sabine Schlueter, explained when asked, the families were informed about the police operation in the morning. It was recommended to take a different route to school than the usual one. Parents were also asked not to let their children run home alone at lunchtime, but to pick them up after school.

A helicopter circled the area at noon. It was initially unclear whether he had anything to do with the police operation. There was no danger to outsiders, said a police spokesman around 9 a.m. in the morning. He initially did not want to give any further information. The operation started around 7:30 a.m.

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